

Earth Day 2020 is Wednesday, April 22! This year, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of this day. Think about how to serve the planet this week—cleaning up some litter on your walk or around your house, planting a tree, or simply enjoying companionship with nature! Walk through the woods in search of emerging wildflowers and green moss. Go outside (safely), no matter the weather!
O Spring-time sweet!
The whole Earth smiles, thy coming to greet


Earth Day 2020 will mark the 50th anniversary of this holiday. Typically, Earth Day is assigned a different theme or area of focus each year; this year’s theme is Climate Action.
Most years, Earth Day events range from river cleanups to invasive removals. With social distancing in place for many of us this April, Earth Day has gone digital. Virtual events, like environmental lectures and films, will take place on Earth Day (Wednesday, April 22) instead. To see a catalogue of official events, visit
Of course, social distancing doesn’t mean that you can’t go outside and enjoy nature, as long as you do so responsibly!


Ever wonder how Earth Day began? The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, with the goal of raising awareness about mankind’s role in protecting our natural world. On this date, 20 million Americans ventured outdoors and protested in favor of a more eco-conscious society.
It’s hard to believe today, but at the time, many people were not aware of some serious environmental issues—from air pollution to toxic dumps to pesticides to loss of wilderness. 
In 1970, Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson and activist John McConnell separately asked Americans to join in the grassroots demonstration. McConnell originally chose the spring equinox (March 21, 1970) and Nelson chose April 22, which ended up becoming the official celebration date. (Given that the date of the spring equinox changes over time, it could have made things more complicated to go with that date!)
Earth Day started out as more of a political movement, though today it has become a popular day for many communities to gather together and clean up litter, plant trees, or simply reflect on the beauty of nature. 


Earth Day is always celebrated on April 22. It’s followed closely by Arbor Day, which falls on the last Friday in April.
YearEarth Day
2020Wednesday, April 22
2021Thursday, April 22
2022Friday, April 22
2023Saturday, April 22


The “green things growing” whisper me
Of many an earth-old mystery
–Eben Eugene Rexford
Celebrate Earth Day by appreciating and respecting the natural world. Here are some ideas to inspire you!
  1. Find a ton of stay-at-home Earth Day ideas here: Celebrating Earth Day at Home
  2. Plant wildflowers! 
  3. Go native! Plants thrive best when they’re natural to your area. See our article on native plant landscaping and 10 tips for an eco-friendly garden.
  4. Bring nature into the garden with plants that attract butterflies and plants that attract hummingbirds!
  5. Invite native bees to your garden. These are the bees that pollinate your plants for more flowers and food! Perhaps add a native bee house to your backyard.
  6. Conserve water! See our tips for watering wisely in the garden and tips on how to create your own rain garden.
  7. Also, avoid over-watering. Know how much your garden really needs with our watering chart! Watch our video demonstrating 10 smart watering tips for a healthy garden garden.
  8. Talk to your local government about planting more trees and native garden beds in public spaces, or consider planting your own on your property! See advice on how to plant a tree as well a our video demonstrating how to plant a fruit tree.
  9. Cut back on plastic consumption! I know in our town we can recycle plastics “1” and “2.” See a Plastics Recycling Chart.
  10. Plus, consider how to reduce dependency on bottled water and drinks. Know what’s in all those bottled drinks!
  11. Recycle in the garden! See our videos on how to reuse plant pots and containers, practice plastic-free gardening, and gather other items you can recycle and reuse in the garden.
  12. Learn how to reuse in the kitchen and reuse in the home and re-purpose everyday household items!


The thirsty earth soaks up the rain,
And drinks, and gapes for drink again.
The plants suck in the earth and are
With constant drinking fresh and fair.

–Abraham Cowley
Summer, fall, winter, spring,
The seasons rotate as each brings
Its special beauty to this Earth of ours.
Winter’s snow and summer’s flowers;
Frozen rivers will flow come spring,
There is a renewal of everything
–Edna Frohock
While the bright radiant sun in centre glows,
The earth in annual motion round it goes;
At the same time on its own axis reels,
And gives us change of seasons as it wheels
–The 1793 Old Farmer’s Almanac

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