الزمالك: ندرس طرح قميص فرجاني ساسي للبيع للجمهور لجمع أموال تجديد عقده
وزير التعليم العالى يعتمد نتيجة الإعلان الموحد لخطة البعثات لعام 2020/2021
عمرو جمال يغازل الأهلى ويكشف غلطة كبيرة فى حياته: لن أندم مثل رمضان صبحى
ياسمين عبد العزيز تتصدر تريند جوجل
موقف مؤجلات الأهلي في الدوري وهل يستطيع استرداد الصدارة من الزمالك؟
يترقب الأهلي الانتهاء من مباراته ضد سيمبا التنزاني في ثاني جولات دور المجموعات لبطولة دوري أبطال إفريقيا والمقرر لها الثالثة عصر الثلاثاء المقبل، من أجل العودة لخوض مبارياته في الدوري المصري الممتاز، والذي ابتعد عنه لظروف مشاركته في كأس العالم للأندية ومباريات دور المجموعات الإفريقي.
وخاض الأهلي آخر مبارياته في الدوري يوم 26 يناير الماضي ضد بيراميدز وانتهت بالتعادل السلبي.
ويتبقى لفريق الأهلي 3 مباريات لم يلعبها ضد أندية سموحة والإسماعيلي وإنبي، بالاضافة إلى مباراته ضد طلائع الجيش يوم 28 فبراير عقب العودة من تنزانيا.
وكان من المقرر أن يستأنف الأهلي مبارياته في الدوري بعد مونديال الأندية يوم 16 فبراير بمواجهة سموحة في استاد "الأهلي WE السلام" في لقاء مؤجل من الجولة الـ11 للدوري، إلا أنه تم استبدالها بمباراة الأهلي ضد النصر في دور الـ32 لكأس مصر قبل أن يتم تأجيلها لظروف مشاركة الأهلي بالبطولة الإفريقية.
ويعود الأهلي لاستئناف الدوري من خلال مواجهة نظيره طلائع الجيش يوم 28 فبراير بملعب استاد "الأهلي WE السلام" الساعة السابعة والنصف ضمن الجولة الـ14 لمسابقة الدوري.
ولم يحدد موعد مباراة الأهلي وسموحة في الجولة الـ11 من عمر الدوري، بينما يلعب يوم 10 مارس أمام الإسماعيلي في ملعب استاد الجيش بمدينة برج العرب بالإسكندرية في لقاء مؤجل من الجولة الـ12 الساعة السابعة والنصف مساءً.
فيما تقرر خوض الأهلي مباراته المؤجلة من الجولة الـ13 لمسابقة الدوري أمام إنبي بملعب استاد بتروسبورت يوم 22 إبريل.
بينما تم تأجيل مباراته ضد النصر في دور الـ32 لكأس مصر إلى أجل غير مسمى.
ويتواجد الأهلي في المركز الثاني بترتيب الدوري برصيد 21 نقطة من 9 مباريات، خلف الزمالك المتصد بـ29 نقطة من 12 مباراة.
وتم لعب 13 ماراة من عمر الدوري، فيما لعب الأهلي 9 مباريات فقط حيث تتبقى له 4 مواجهات ضد سموحة والإسماعيلي وإنبي والزمالك وحال الفوز فيهم جميعا سيصل للنقطة 33 ويعتلي صدارة الدوري، وحال الفوز في المبارات التي تم تأجيلها بسبب مشاركته في مونديال الأندية وعددها 3 سيصل للنقطة 30 ويتصدر الدوري بفارق نقطة عن الزمالك.
فيما يتبقى لغريمه الزمالك مباراة مؤجلة واحدة وهي لقاء القمة من الجولة الرابعة، وفوز أحد القطبين بها سيمكنه من اعتلاء جدول الدوري.
تامر أمين يعتذر مجددا لأهالي الصعيد: حقكم عليا وجزمكم فوق راسي
التعليم تعلن تفاصيل وشكل الامتحانات من 4 ابتدائي لـ2 إعدادى
عاجل جدا النبأ الاكثر اهميه من وزير التعليم يعلنه الان
قناة جديدة تتحدى بي إن سبورت .. تعرف على التفاصيل
ظهرت خلال الأيام الماضية قناة مفتوحة على قمر النايل سات تسمى "مكسبي"، تنقل أبرز مباريات دوري أبطال أفريقيا والدوريات الأوروبية الكبرى، ودوري أبطال أوروبا، نقلا عن شبكة بي إن سبورت. ونقلت قناة "مكسبي" مؤخرا بطولة كأس العالم للأندية الماضية، والتي تواجد بها النادي الأهلي المصري وحصل على الميدالية البرونزية، كما نقلت مباراة الأحمر في أمام المريخ والزمالك أمام مولودية الجزائر، ضمن منافسات الجولة الأولى من دور المجموعات، بمسابقة دوري أبطال أفريقيا. اقرأ ايضًا| قناة مفتوحة على النايل سات تنقل مباريات أفريقيا والدوريات العالمية وأعلنت القناة مؤخرا إطلاق قناة جديدة تسمى " مكسبي سبورت" ستذيع البطولات الأتية:" الدوري الإنجليزي - الدوري الإسباني - الدوري الإيطالي - الدوري الألماني - دوري أبطال أفريقيا - دوري أبطال أوروبا - كأس ملك إسبانيا - السوبر الإفريقي - كأس إيطاليا - كأس ألمانيا - كأس الاتحاد الإنجليزي - كأس السوبر الأوروبي - بطولة الكونفيدرالية - كأس السوبر الإسباني - كأس السوبر الإيطالي).
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The Collie Dog
The Collie canine makes an amazing wearing canine, and can be educated to accomplish crafted by the Pointer and the Setter, just as that of the Water Spaniel and the Retriever. He can be prepared to play out the obligations of different varieties. He is smart at chasing, having an astounding nose, is a decent vermin-executioner, and a most devoted watch, gatekeeper, and buddy.
Little is known with conviction of the starting point of the Collie, however his shrewdness and his outward appearance would appear to demonstrate a relationship with the wild canine. Buffon was of assessment that he was the genuine canine of nature, the stock and model of the entire canine species. He thought about the Sheepdog better in sense and knowledge than any remaining varieties, and that, with a character where instruction has nearly little offer, he is the lone creature brought into the world entirely prepared for the help of man.
At the shows this kind of canine is constantly at the head of the class. He is viewed as the most manageable, and is absolutely the most deft. Second to this sort in kindness is the smooth-covered assortment, an exceptionally hard, helpful canine, all around adjusted for slope work and typically extremely armada of foot. He isn't so sweet in temper as the high contrast, and is delayed to make companions. There is no more smooth and truly excellent canine to be seen than the show Collie of the current time frame. Created from the old working sort, he is presently essentially a particular variety.
The skull ought to be level, tolerably wide between the ears, and progressively tightening towards the eyes. There should just be a slight wretchedness at stop. The width of skull fundamentally relies on joined length of skull and gag; and the entire should be considered regarding the size of the canine. The cheek ought not be full or noticeable.
The gag ought to be of reasonable length, tightening to the nose, and should not show shortcoming or be snipy or lippy. Whatever the shade of the canine might be, the nose should be dark. The teeth ought to be of acceptable size, sound and level; slight lopsidedness is allowable. The jaws Clean cut and amazing. The eyes are a vital component, and offer articulation to the canine; they ought to be of medium size, set to some degree diagonally, of almond shape, and of an earthy colored tone with the exception of merles, when the eyes are regularly (one or both) blue and white or china; articulation loaded with knowledge, with a brisk alarm look when tuning in. The ears ought to be little and decently wide at the base, and put not very near one another yet on the highest point of the skull and not on the head. When in rest they ought to be normally conveyed tossed back, however when on the alarm presented and conveyed semi-erect, with tips somewhat hanging in mentality of tuning in.
The neck ought to be solid, incredible and of reasonable length, and to some degree angled. The body ought to be solid, with all around sprung ribs, chest profound, genuinely expansive behind the shoulders, which ought to be inclined, midsections amazing. The canine ought to be straight in front. The front legs ought to be straight and strong, neither in nor out at elbows, with a considerable lot of bone; the lower arm to some degree meaty, the pasterns indicating adaptability without shortcoming. The rear legs ought to be strong at the thighs, perfect and strong underneath the pawns, with very much twisted smothers. The feet ought to be oval fit as a fiddle, bottoms all around cushioned, and the toes curved and near one another.
When all is said in done character he is a flexible dynamic canine, his profound chest demonstrating lung power, his neck strength, his inclining shoulders and very much bowed sells showing pace, and his appearance high insight. He ought to be a reasonable length on the leg, giving him even more an indecent than a cloddy appearance. In a couple of words, a Collie should show perseverance, movement, and insight, with free and genuine activity. In stature canines ought to be 22 ins. to 24 ins. at the shoulders, bitches 20 ins. to 22 ins. The load for canines is 45 to 65 lbs., bitches 40 to 55 lbs. The smooth collie just varies from the harsh in its jacket, which ought to be hard, thick and very smooth.
Profitable Investing Goals The Number One Tip For Making Profitable Investments
Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, and Tiger Woods were incredible for an explanation, they had objectives. The equivalent is valid for those entering the venture field, have an objective in your profession and set your focus on arrive at that objective. Before making your first exchange in the realm of stock contributing you ought to ask yourself, what are you hoping to accomplish?
Everyone likes to be beneficent, however it has a spot and a period nor is found in the realm of stock contributing.
Most financial backers basically need a decent profit for their venture. Yet, what is viewed as a decent return? Enough for retirement? In the event that it depends on what they need for retirement the inquiry turns out to be how long is it until retirement age? On the off chance that it is in two years your speculation procedure will be entirely different than for the individuals who are resigning in 15 years time.
For instance, how about we use me as a normal financial backer. 40 years of age with a nice pay and the capacity to contribute $300 each month. We'll need to change my conditions a tad and envision I have nothing in my portfolio except for I need a definitive dream – I need $1 million dollars to resign with. The inquiry is, in the event that I have the $300 accessible at the present time, is my objective something I can hit?
Expecting that I can coordinate – if worse – a stock record return wich is running at 10.4% every year, my whole would be worth generally $380,000 when I get to resigning at 65 years youthful.
Damn – missed my $1,000,000 target!
To hit that level – I need to contribute more than $300 each month. (To hit that I'd need an arrival of at any rate 17 – 18% dad.
OK – a file store won't do it for me, particularly as the historical backdrop of these shws it will worse substantially more than the 10.5% imprint!)
Alright – how about we take a gander at another situation for me will we?
How about we envision that I've really been working away at my speculations and assets for some time (more likely than not tuned in to my father!!) and I have a touch more than $100,000 saved away.
Would i be able to hit the objective million with that sum as a single amount starter?
All things considered, on the off chance that I am set in utilizing the list assets as my venture vehicle of decision, the appropriate response is Yes!
Inasmuch as no significant market commotion hits and remains (disregarding the standard changes you'll get over an all-inclusive time of contributing) I ought to have more than the $1,000,000 mark when I resign – and I will not need to add a penny more to my investment funds by the same token.
Be that as it may, what makes this ossible for me to hit my objective? The way that I HAD an objective.
Objectives – targets – points, they all assist us with zeroing in on getting to the furthest limit of the race with the outcome we need.
Objectives to help you center around your speculation are what help you plan your venture plan.
Do you should be forceful and search for a significant return or can you basically ensure your reserve funds and procure a more unassuming re-visitation of arrive at your objective?
Set yourself a (practical) towards it, remembering it generally.
Be unobtrusive and be engaged.
Investors May Not Be As Diversified As They Think
At the point when more than 1 million school graduates entered the work power the previous fall, they started the first of what could be seven occupation moves during a 40-year working vocation, as per the Bureau of Labor Statistics1.
Indeed, as indicated by a new report by Fidelity Investments, 33% of the present new work power could be arranging a progression of independent retirement bank accounts, which may not be pretty much as enhanced as they think2.
With each work change, millions are confronted with the undeniably testing undertaking of dealing with their work environment retirement investment accounts.
"As American laborers keep on evolving occupations, our overview reveals to us that around 32 million have given up retirement accounts with past businesses," said Jeffrey R. Carney, leader of Fidelity Personal Investments.
"Our exploration additionally shows that 41 percent of financial backers with different retirement accounts accept that keeping up independent records makes for a more enhanced portfolio. While Americans are more wise about contributing, many have dismissed what 'expansion' truly implies - ; spreading out cash over various kinds of speculations, for example, stocks, bonds and money to oversee hazard - ; which can't be guaranteed essentially by having numerous records."
In evaluating the arrangement of almost a large portion of 1,000,000 financial backers over the previous year, Fidelity discovered that many should be helped to remember three essential precepts for dealing with a broadened portfolio: Know what you own; realize the amount you're paying; and realize when it's an ideal opportunity to look for direction.
Numerous financial backers who keep up various records don't understand the cosmetics of their general speculations and might be vigorously overweighted or underweighted in a particular kind of venture area or security.
Keeping accounts dissipated not just makes extra administrative work, it can cost more when upkeep expenses are surveyed by numerous suppliers.
"Numerous financial backers are astonished to find that they are holding an assortment of common assets with better than expected costs or paying more in expenses by keeping a few more modest equilibrium accounts," Carney said.
Overseeing and observing different records through various proclamations and Web destinations can add expanded layers of intricacy for financial backers. Indeed, almost a fourth of those with numerous records revealed inconvenience monitoring them.